Relieving East Texan’s from pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction, urinary and bowel conditions, orthopedic pelvic pain, or pre- and post-natal issues.

What are common symptoms we see and treat?


Musculoskeletal Aches & Pains

Low back pain, hip pain, SIJ pain, pubic symphysis pain, tailbone pain, and chronic pelvic pain

Bladder Dysfunction

Urinary leakage, urinary urgency, urinary frequency, straining to urinate, pain with urination, difficulty voiding, interstitial cystitis, and incomplete emptying

Bowel Dysfunction

Constipation, straining during bowel movements, frequent diarrhea, bloating, fecal incontinence, fecal urgency and frequency, and abdominal pain

Sexual Health Dysfunction

Pelvic or abdominal pain with or following intercourse, pain with tampon insertion, PCOS, painful periods, and endometriosis

Pregnancy Related Pain & Childbirth Preparation

Prepare your pelvis for childbirth by mitigating risks of injury during birth, learn about optimal childbirth positions with and without an epidural, learn how to push, and create your immediate postpartum plan to facilitate recovery and healing to mitigate long term adverse health outcomes


Diastasis rectus abdominus (DRA), pelvic organ prolapse, core and pelvic floor weakness, cesarean scar management, perineal scar management, return to exercise, return to intercourse, chest and neck/back pain with breast feeding, as well as bladder or bowel dysfunction

Infertility/Fertility Related Conditions

Scar tissue and adhesions management from previous gyne surgeries, IVF cycle support, fertility medication cycle support, natural cycles, mercier therapy, anovulatory cycles, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, uterine fibroids, oophorectomy (ovary removal surgery) history, advanced maternal age (35 and over), pelvic inflammatory disease , hormonal problems, and ovarian insufficiency


Education for adolescent females about their menstrual cycle, education on how to optimize your period, and honeymoon education

Here’s what past patients are saying:

Texas Pelvic Health uses a full body, functional based approach.

Active goals require active treatment.

You will be evaluated and treated one-on-one by a Doctor of Physical Therapy, always.

Quality care is utmost priority.

Schedule your initial evaluation to optimize your pelvic health.


Sulphur Springs

1067 Gilmer St Suite B

Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482


1501 N Trade Days Blvd

Canton, Texas 75103


801 S Goliad St

Rockwall, Tx 75087


Monday — Friday
8am — 6pm


(903) 962-2600